
La Belle Epoque

French restaurant on the backside of the german embassy. menu of the day from 6500 fcfa, hamburgers from 1500 fcfa.

Alt München

Tel. 227 63 21, near the roundabout at the freeport. munich cuisine, but a little bit expensive.

Marox Grill

24, rue du lac, b.p. 1268, tel. 222 41 38 the official name is "bena grill", but no one uses this. german-style schnitzel from 3300 fcfa, fries start at 900 fcfa and a liter of beer will cost you 2200 fcfa.

Local street food is plentiful, and a large plate of rice or pate will cost you 200CFA.

Lebanese restaurants are peppered throughout Lome, with the best being in Kodjoviakope and wrapping around with the Boulevard. I recommend Al Mohatas by the Route de Kpalime and Al Sultan's in Kodjoviakope. Most plates run 1000 - 2000CFA

There are two chinese restaurants, one in Kodjoviakope, the other in Asigame, down the street from the Togocel main offices.

The Galion, a swiss owned hotel near the beach in Kodjoviakope, has an excellent restaurant serving steaks, salads, deserts, etc. Mains run 3000-5000CFA, but it is worth it.